Baltar, Baltar
The lodging is situated in Baltar, in the region of 'A LIMIA', in the province Ourense. It has got a capacity of 19 persons and has got 8 Rooms Our accomodation offers Heating, Air conditioning (A/C), parking, bed clothes y towels. Is situated in the so called Green Spain, in the North, with a mild climate due to its proximity to the Cantabrian Sea.
Rural activity
Actividad rural
board games
Juegos de mesa
Advance payment information
- Deposit 20%: The payment should be made by bank transfer
The rest of the amount, if any, will be requested by the means indicated in the booking conditions.
Booking conditions
Booking conditions
Para que la reserva sea firme, debe hacer la transferencia del 20% al nº de cuenta que aparece en esta misma página.
Booking conditions
Para que la reserva sea firme, debe hacer la transferencia del 20% al nº de cuenta que aparece en esta misma página.
Quality characteristics
Check-in and check-out times
Arrivals and departures
- Time of entry: From 16:00
- Check out: Up to 13:00
Payment method: bank transfer
From... 80
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