Muíño do Vao
Os Peares, Carballedo
The lodging is situated in Carballedo, in the region of 'CHANTADA', in the province Lugo. It has got a capacity of 6 persons and can be rented as a single unit. It has got 3 Rooms Our accomodation offers Own fireplace, Heating, Garden-terrace, Own kitchen, Barbecue, Garage, washing machine y microwave . Is situated in the so called Green Spain, in the North, with a mild climate due to its proximity to the Cantabrian Sea.
Advance payment information
- Deposit 25%: The payment should be made by bank transfer
The rest of the amount, if any, will be requested by the means indicated in the booking conditions.
Booking conditions
Booking conditions
Quality characteristics
Check-in and check-out times
Payment method: bank transfer
For free
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